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Physics Education Technology - University of Colorado, Boulder
PhET Blog

New Improved Collision Lab

Collision Lab
We just published a new Collision Lab sim that includes improvements based on our research and teacher feedback. With the new Introduction tab, it’s now easier to explore one dimensional collisions. The Advanced Tab still offers full data collection and 2D collisions.


Jun 20


Come See Us at ISTE in San Diego, June 24-27th

ISTE 2012

We’re going to be at ISTE 2012 in San Diego, CA June 24-27th. Come by our Booth #5949.


Jun 14


Another New Sim: Fluid Pressure and Flow

Fluid Pressure and Flow

We’re excited to publish another new simulation on fluid dynamics, Fluid Pressure and Flow. Explore pressure in the atmosphere and underwater. Reshape a pipe to see how it changes fluid flow speed. Experiment with a leaky water tower to see how the height and water level determine the water trajectory.


Jun 8


New Simulation: Under Pressure

Under Pressure

We’re excited to publish another new simulation, Under Pressure, where you can explore pressure under and above water. See how pressure changes as you change fluids, gravity, container shapes, and volume.


Jun 4


New Improved Reactants, Products and Leftovers Simulation

Reactants, Products and Leftovers
No sim design is ever final! We are always looking for ways to
improve them. For example, we recently updated the molecule images
in the Reactants, Products and Leftovers sim to match the images that are used in other PhET chemistry sims. We hope this change will allow more continuity in your


May 29


New Simulation on Normal Modes

Normal Modes

We’re excited to publish our latest new simulation, Normal Modes:

Play with a 1D or 2D system of coupled mass-spring oscillators. Vary the number of masses, set the initial conditions, and watch the system evolve. See the spectrum of normal modes for arbitrary motion. See longitudinal or transverse modes in the 1D system.


May 23


New Beer’s Law Simulation

Beer's Law

Learn about Beer’s Law with this new simulation:

“The thicker the glass, the darker the brew, the less the light that passes through.” Make colorful concentrated and dilute solutions and explore how much light they absorb and transmit using a virtual spectrophotometer!


May 17


Energy Skate Park: Basics Lab

Energy Skate Park

This inquiry-based lab, written by PhET’s Noah Podolefsky, is great to teach Middle Schoolers about kinetic energy, potential energy and conservation of energy–before they hit the skate park for real over the summer!


May 11


PhET Selected to Receive 2nd Place 2012 SIGOL Online Learning Award


We’re excited to announce that we have been chosen as the 2nd Place Winner in the 2012 SIGOL Online Learning Awards. This award recognizes innovative educators worldwide for their leadership and creativity in providing e-learning opportunities for elementary through university students. As part of the award, come see us at ISTE 2012 June 24-27th in San Diego, CA.


May 7


Don’t Forget: Workshop on Using PhET in HS Chemistry on June 7th in Centennial, CO

On Thursday, June 7th from 9-12:30 PM, Trish Loeblein, PhET K-12 Specialist and Evergreen High School physics & chemistry teacher, along with a chemistry post-doc from PhET will be holding a workshop at the Instructional Support Facility (ISF) for the Cherry Creek School District in Centennial, CO on how to incorporate PhET into your high school chemistry class.

Space is limited. Please contact Mary Bartholomew at to register for the workshop.

Cost: $10 (pay at door)

Location Details:
Instructional Support Facility (ISF)
Cherry Creek School District
5416 S. Riviera Way
Centennial, CO 80015


Apr 30