Support the Future of PhET!
Your donation brings science to kids in your town and around the world.
So please consider:
$15 |
if you're a teacher who uses a few sims |
$25-50+ |
if you use more sims |
$200+ |
for individual schools |
$500+ |
for districts |
All donations are tax deductible.
Thanks for your support!
Upcoming Events:
ISTE 2011
Philadelphia, PA
June 26-29, 2011
Chemistry Education Research & Practice Gordon Research
Davidson, NC
June 26-July 1, 2011
AAPT (talks only)
Omaha, NE
July 30 - August 3, 2011
Fall 2011 National Meeting
Denver, CO
August 28 - Sept. 1, 2011
Indianapolis, IN
November 9-11, 2011
In the Pipeline:
- Fluid Pressure and Flow
- Build a Molecule
- Multiple Capacitors
- Resonance
- Sugar and Salt Solutions
- Teeter Totter Torque
- Plate Tectonics
Check Out Our Free Webinar & Podcast

Introduce teachers new to PhET with this free archived webinar
or our Podcast on iTunes.
Featured Sims:
Explore Snell's Law and More with Bending Light
Investigate the bending of light (refraction) between two mediums with different refractive indices with the new Bending Light sim. See how changing from air to water to glass changes the bending angle.
Play with prisms of different shapes and make rainbows. Use more tools to measure light intensity and probe E-field versus time. Students can learn what
determines the angle of refraction, how to apply Snell's law, how the speed and wavelength of light changes in different materials, and how wavelength effects
the angle of refraction. In the end, students will be able to explain how a prism creates a rainbow.
Increase Engagement with Balancing Chemical Equations
Make learning how to balance a chemical equation more fun with the new Balancing Chemical Equations sim. What can you change to balance an equation?
Play a game to test your ideas!
After the activity, students will be able to:
- Balance a chemical equation.
- Explain that the number of atoms of each element is conserved in a chemical reaction.
- Describe the difference between coefficients and subscripts in a chemical equation.
- Translate from symbolic to molecular representations of matter.
Check Out These Other New Simuations:
Meet Kelly:
What got you involved in PhET?
I had some teaching experience, but I was eager to learn more about
how students learn chemistry. PhET gave me an opportunity to grow as
an educator. What I did not expect was how much chemistry I would
learn in the process!
What do you do for PhET?
I work with the team to design and develop new chemistry sims, and I
help run workshops for teachers. I also study the effect of PhET on
student learning in interview and classroom settings, and present the
research at conferences and in papers.
How do you see PhET helping teachers?
I like how the open-source nature of PhET gives science teachers who
have little access to lab equipment -- or even the internet -- a way to
use inquiry in their classrooms. I am excited to use the sims in my
own teaching!
How do you see PhET helping kids?
I am continually amazed at how much students learn from using the
sims, and how PhET engages students in learning science. PhET gets
students to ask their own questions, which is what science is all
Where do you see PhET going?
I think PhET will grow in two areas: the earth and life sciences, and
the middle school level. Our new sim-sharing project will give
teachers more ways to use PhET in their classrooms. And of course,
stay tuned for more chemistry sims!
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can go viral....
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