
Makes grants to address the most serious social and environmental problems facing society, where risk capital, responsibly invested, may make a difference over time.
An independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 to promote the progress of science.

King Saud University seeks to become a leader in educational and technological innovation, scientific discovery and creativity through fostering an atmosphere of intellectual inspiration and partnership for the prosperity of society.
The O'Donnell Foundation is devoted to building model programs to enhance the quality of education.
目前的 Newsletter
Newsletter 器
- December 2012
- October 2012
- July 2012
- November 2011
- May 2011
- March 2011
- Summer 2010
- Summer 2009
- Summer 2008 - PhET's first newsletter
網站 & 模擬教學更新
- microwaves 1.05 (2013/8/6)
- microwaves 1.05 (2013/8/6)
- microwaves 1.05 (2013/8/6)
- microwaves 1.05 (2013/8/6)
- microwaves 1.05 (2013/8/6)
- balance-and-torque 1.04 (2013/6/3)
fluid-pressure-and-flow 1.02 (2013/4/29)
- Tab 1: Use metric lengths measurements instead of English when Atmospheres is selected
- In the Flow and Water Tower tabs, fixed the air pressure calculation, which was off by a factor of about 3.3 because it was using the wrong units, see #3536
- In the Under Pressure tab, fixed above-water pressure calculation, was off by a factor of about 3.3 because it was using the wrong units, see #3536
- energy-forms-and-changes 1.00 (2013/4/17)
- my-solar-system 2.04 (2013/2/27)
sound 2.19 (2013/2/20)
- Fixed bug that could cause launch failures under certain versions of Java 7.
photoelectric 1.10 (2013/2/20)
- Fixed bug that could prevent launches under some versions of Java 7.
- Improved graphics scaling on low resolution screens, see #2860
- reactions-and-rates 1.07 (2013/2/20)
forces-and-motion-basics 1.02 (2013/2/8)
- Changed the simulation speed and max object speed to make extreme forces easier to visualize
forces-and-motion-basics 1.01 (2013/2/7)
- Added a new tab "Acceleration Lab"
- line-graphing 1.00 (2013/2/7)
- radiating-charge 1.03 (2013/2/1)
radiating-charge 1.02 (2013/2/1)
- Initial deploy to PhET site
- radiating-charge 1.01 (2013/1/30)
molecule-shapes 1.05 (2013/1/30)
- Added warning dialog for Mac OS X with Java 7
plate-tectonics 1.02 (2013/1/30)
- Added warning dialog for Mac OS X with Java 7
fluid-pressure-and-flow 1.01 (2012/12/14)
- Fixed value for fluid density in English units.
motion-series 2.06 (2012/11/6)
- Fixed a bug that caused prevented the walls from reappearing after "reset all" pressed
moving-man 2.05 (2012/10/26)
- Fixed a bug that caused number text boxes to round off to incorrect precision, see #3303
eating-and-exercise 1.06 (2012/10/26)
- Fixed a bug that caused number text boxes to round off to incorrect precision, see #3303
rotation 1.12 (2012/10/26)
- Fixed a bug that caused number text boxes to round off to incorrect precision, see #3303
motion-series 2.05 (2012/10/25)
- Fixed a bug that caused numbers in text boxes to be rounded incorrectly, see #3303
- forces-and-motion-basics 1.00 (2012/10/23)
- motion-series 2.04 (2012/10/23)
fractions 1.02 (2012/10/17)
- Fraction Matcher: Added a reset all button to the level selection screen
collision-lab 2.01 (2012/10/12)
- Changed "Sticky" and "Bouncy" to "Inelastic" and "Elastic"
molecule-shapes 1.04 (2012/10/12)
- Switched 3D libraries for better Windows XP / graphics card support
bending-light 1.03 (2012/10/1)
- Fixed: Sometimes the sim freezes when pressing "reset all"
- Fixed: Sometimes the wavelength control panel changes size when dragging the slider knob
- Fixed: Speed sensor resizes when readout changes
rutherford-scattering 1.05 (2012/9/25)
- show the scale difference between the two models by labeling the widths of their viewports
ideal-gas 3.15 (2012/9/6)
- added "Return Lid" feature
- Improved graphics on low resolution screens
- change thermometer to a shade of red that is visible to people with red/green colorblindness
- balance-and-torque 1.03 (2012/9/4)
soluble-salts 1.08 (2012/8/28)
- Changed CuI Ksp value from 5.1E-12 to 1.1E-12
plate-tectonics 1.01 (2012/8/20)
- Internationalization fix for Convergent, Divergent and Transform
- gene-expression-basics 1.01 (2012/8/20)
gene-expression-basics 1.00 (2012/8/20)
- Initial publication to production server.
- plate-tectonics 1.00 (2012/8/19)
build-an-atom 3.02 (2012/8/18)
- Removed strings, including translated versions, for calcium and potassium. These were unused, and removed to avoid potential confusion.
- 8/16/12 Fixed an issue where the label "calcium" was being used where it should have said "chlorine".
fractions 1.01 (2012/8/17)
- fraction-matcher: Added a refresh button to load new challenges for the same level
- fraction-matcher: Improved level selection screen and other UI improvements
- Made sound on by default for Fraction Matcher
rotation 1.11 (2012/8/8)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
- self-driven-particle-model 1.04 (2012/8/8)
self-driven-particle-model 1.04 (2012/8/8)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
- Java 7 compatibility fix (#3138, treeLock exception)
reactants-products-and-leftovers 1.05 (2012/8/8)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
- the-ramp 1.07 (2012/8/7)
nuclear-physics 3.27 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
maze-game 1.08 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
electric-hockey 1.10 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
the-ramp 1.07 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
moving-man 2.04 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
forces-1d 1.24 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
eating-and-exercise 1.05 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
- Fix for #3373, crashes on startup for some languages
build-an-atom 3.01 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
- isotopes-and-atomic-mass: Integrated a fix that makes the slider knobs wider on the 2nd tab when using the "More" setting.
- isotopes-and-atomic-mass: Fixed an issue where atoms could get stuck outside of the test chamber in some circumstances.
- isotopes-and-atomic-mass: Added ability to set background of test chamber to be white.
build-a-molecule 1.02 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
balancing-chemical-equations 1.01 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
balance-and-torque 1.02 (2012/8/7)
- Fixed a problem that prevented audio from playing under Java 7
- Fixed an issue with the clock on the game tab that was causing it to be slow by 1 second per minute.
- Modified width of the text box used for entering mass value guesses.
- Changed the tilt-prediction challenge to allow two attempts instead of one (for greater consistency with other challenges).
discharge-lamps 1.13 (2012/8/1)
- Converted "ground state" label to be html to support multi-line
- normal-modes 1.01 (2012/7/31)
energy-skate-park 2.13 (2012/7/19)
- minor change to sponsor information
- wave-on-a-string 2.04 (2012/7/18)
energy-skate-park 2.12 (2012/7/5)
- sponsored by Texas Instruments
- fractions 1.00 (2012/6/29)
the-ramp 1.06 (2012/6/16)
- Fixed an audio problem that caused the simulation to crash on Java 7
collision-lab 2.00 (2012/6/14)
- Many changes, including adding a introductory tab. See below for more information.
- Disabled "back" button control also when going backwards would go less than time == 0.
- Disabled "back" control when elasticity has gone under 100%, due to buggy behavior
- Increased size of zoom in/out buttons
- Slider thumb colors changed to blue for increased visibility
- Fixed momenta diagram arrows so that zooming will keep the arrows fixed to the grid
- Renamed "Rewind" button to "Restart"
- Center of mass is always in front of balls and arrows
- Change precision of data table to 2 places in Intro tab, 3 in Advanced tab
- Font size reduction in the data table
- Reduced header height
- Made the ball column in the data table thinner
- Data table heavily changed
- Moved About / Preferences buttons
- Moved PhET logo to the upper-right
- Updated control-panel background color to match normal-modes
- Hide arrow head indicators when not paused
- Capitalizing headers in the data table
- Adding units row into data table
- Added extra row on Intro tab for annotations
- Removed Y-related columns in Intro tab
- Added "V" to velocity arrow tip
- Velocity arrow target position now centered on the tip
- Velocity arrow color / layering / size changes
- Advanced tab: slightly reduced vertical size to fit larger play button
- Increased size of the Kinetic Energy readout
- Added checkbox to toggle "Kinetic Energy" visibility
- Changed 0% and 100% marks on the elasticity slider to "Sticky" and "Bouncy".
- Increased size of the play button
- Changed "Time Rate" to "Sim Speed"
- Added "Return Balls" button
- Added Introduction tab
- fluid-pressure-and-flow 1.00 (2012/5/29)
beers-law-lab 1.02 (2012/5/17)
- minor layout fixes for translations
reactants-products-and-leftovers 1.04 (2012/5/17)
- changed molecule representation to match other PhET chemistry sims
- minor changes to colors
normal-modes 1.00 (2012/5/14)
- Initial Deployment
- beers-law-lab 1.01 (2012/5/14)
balance-and-torque 1.01 (2012/5/8)
- Deployment to production server of version that includes the "tip prediction" challenge in the game.
nuclear-physics 3.26 (2012/4/27)
- Redeploying to production server with a number of fixes and enhancements related to graph sizing and interaction.
states-of-matter 1.10 (2012/4/27)
- Redeploying to production server with several important fixes and enhancements.
- Modified phase diagram behavior to be smoother and to always track to the phase interface.
- Adjusted the set point for liquid temperature so that water is between 0 and 100 degrees C when set to the liquid state.
- Modified the internal model temperatures used in order to make water look like it is starting to freeze when at 0 degrees C.
- Fixed an issue where the substances would look strange if users were changing state when the sim was paused.
molarity 1.02 (2012/4/19)
- fix to work with Java 1.5, #3307
nuclear-physics 3.25 (2012/4/12)
- Deploying to production server with fixes for several chart resizing issues.
- Fixed an issue where tick marks on the time graphs could be positioned past the time line.
- Made the flashing of the adjustment arrow stop if the user moused over the arrow before the flashing finished.
- Fixed an issue where graph positioning didn't work when nuclei had very long decay times (longer than the graph length).
- Improved the alignment between various labels on the charts that include a pie chart.
- Fixed an issue where the graphs containing pie charts could get stretched out so that they were no longer round.
- Made the adjustment arrows for the half life and energy levels on the graphs flash when first visible in order to be more noticeable.
- Made the default half life of the custom nucleus for Beta Decay a small amount longer so that the half life line on the decaty chart will be more distinctly different from the non-custom nucleus, and hence more noticeable by users.
- Made the default half life of the custom nucleus for Alpha Decay longer so that the half life line on the decaty chart will be more distinctly different from the non-custom nucleus, and hence more noticeable by users.
- Made the arrow that the user manipulates on the charts a bit bigger and changed the shape somewhat in order to make it more noticeable.
- Fixed an issue with the scaling of several of the charts that caused them to look bad on netbooks.
molecule-shapes 1.03 (2012/4/11)
- Added "Real Molecules" tab
- Renamed "Geometry Name" to "Name"
- Brought the "options" box back up under the "molecules" box (included widening in the 2nd tab due to the now-wider molecules box)
bending-light 1.02 (2012/4/3)
- Intro: Fixed: #3139: Laser rotates into the medium
- beers-law-lab 1.00 (2012/3/9)
molarity 1.01 (2012/2/22)
- fix for bug with slider controls
- molarity 1.00 (2012/2/20)
energy-skate-park 2.11 (2012/2/17)
- Fixed: When resetting the sim, switch back to non-roller-coaster mode for future tracks.
- Fixed: When changing "roller coaster" mode through the right-click popup menu, have the result apply to all future tracks
- When any two tracks join, set the resultant track to be roller coaster mode if either was in roller coaster mode.
- Fixed: Double Well (roller coaster) in the Tracks menu is loading without roller coaster mode
energy-skate-park 2.10 (2012/2/4)
- Nudge up tracks by 1E-2 meters so that the potential energy won't go negative at the bottom of a user-created well
- Fixed: Tracks will not connect when dragged directly out of the toolbox
- Moved track toolbox in front of the grid
- When bumping up tracks, make sure they sit at y=0 instead of y=0.1 meters
- Bump the tracks back onscreen if they are moved out of bounds
- energy-skate-park-basics: Bump up the tracks if they go below the ground
- Fixed a bug in track building
energy-skate-park 2.09 (2012/1/31)
- Improvements for control panels
- Added new sim "Energy Skate Park: Basics"
molecule-shapes 1.02 (2012/1/30)
- Added "Basics" version
molecule-polarity 1.02 (2011/12/6)
- changed Bond Character labels to "more covalent" and "more ionic"
optical-tweezers 2.04 (2011/11/18)
- Java 7 compatibility fix (#3138, treeLock exception)
neuron 1.01 (2011/11/17)
- Java 7 compatibility fix (#3138, treeLock exception)
natural-selection 1.03 (2011/11/17)
- Java 7 compatibility fix (#3138, treeLock exception)
glaciers 2.04 (2011/11/17)
- Java 7 compatibility fix (#3138, treeLock exception)
force-law-lab 1.02 (2011/11/17)
- Java 7 compatibility fix (#3138, treeLock exception)
eating-and-exercise 1.04 (2011/11/17)
- Java 7 compatibility fix (#3138, treeLock exception)
- balance-and-torque 1.00 (2011/11/15)
states-of-matter 1.09 (2011/11/14)
- Publication of the States of Matter Basics version to the production web site.
- Changed the "0" label on the middle of the stove to be just a tick mark.
- Changed labels on stove to say "Heat" and "Cool" and internationalized these labels.
- Modified the stove to be one large unit with a vertical slider on the front.
- Added a key handler that allows the user to make use of the arrow keys to control the amount of heating or cooling.
- Changed repulsive force arrow on the Atomic Interactions tab to be magenta to make it more distinct from the attractive force arrow.
- Moved "Kelvin/Celsius" option from "Options" menu into "Teacher" menu
- Made it so the selected atom/molecule changes when clicking on the image next to the radio button in the control panel
- Changed Argon color from blue-green to pink
- Fixed an issue where the clock would remain paused after the reset button was pressed. This was true on all tabs.
- Added a "Teacher" menu and added an option for setting the background to be white on all tabs.
- Added an options menu and added options for selecting Celsius or Kelvin as the temperature units.
- Added the ability to return the lid to the container after it has been blown off.
- Added a "hint" to the finger node to make it more obvious that it can be moved. This hint is only shown when the mouse is over the finger.
- Added images of the atoms/molecules to the control panel.
- Improved the artwork used for the flame in the stove node.
- Created a new stove node that fixes problems with the old one and looks better.
- Moved the "Reset All" button on the phase changes tab from the control panel to the play area.
- Made the phase diagram be hidden by default in the "Basics" version.
- Modified pressure gauge label that said "Pressure Gauge" to instead say "Pressure".
- Modified control panel label that said "Molecules" to instead say "Atoms & Molecules".
- Modified atom colors to be more consistent with other chemistry simulations.
- Removed confirmation dialog from Reset All to make it less intimidating.
- Moved the Reset All button into the play area on the Solid, Liquid, and Gas tab.
capacitor-lab 2.02 (2011/11/9)
- fixed the charge and voltage model for "2 in Series + 1 in Parallel" circuit
capacitor-lab 2.01 (2011/11/1)
- new representation for dielectric excess charge
molecule-shapes 1.01 (2011/10/24)
- Fixed: molecule shapes are sometimes incorrect because single, double and triple bonds are treated differently, see #3128
motion-series 2.03 (2011/10/19)
- Fixed: Sum of forces vector should disappear from FBD when unchecked, see #3054
- Fixed: Friction vector doesn't disappear on "reset all", see #3054
- Fixed: "brick/bouncy" not played back during playback, see #3054
bending-light 1.01 (2011/10/19)
- Fixed: Material control panel doesn't handle out-of-range values, see #2834
- Fixed: Material control panel doesn't always update to the correct value, see #2834
sugar-and-salt-solutions 1.02 (2011/10/14)
- Micro tab: Fixed: "Remove solute" and "Remove solutes" strings not translatable
sugar-and-salt-solutions 1.01 (2011/10/13)
- Macro tab: Fixed: The conductivity meter shouldn't short out if there is no salt in the water, see #3117
- Fixed: Remove salt and remove sugar buttons aren't translatable, see #3118
- sugar-and-salt-solutions 1.00 (2011/10/11)
- molecule-shapes 1.00 (2011/10/10)
- molecule-shapes 0.02 (2011/10/10)
molecule-polarity 1.01 (2011/10/7)
- change color of atom A to address colorblindness issue
- change bond color to a lighter gray, so that overlapping partial charges are more visible
faraday 2.07 (2011/10/7)
- change "Turbine" to "Bar Magnet" in Generator panel
- Ported faraday to use ApparatusPanel3 to address canvas problems on low resolution screens, see #2860
- molecule-polarity 1.00 (2011/9/27)
greenhouse 3.04 (2011/9/21)
- Fixed an issue on the 3rd tab where the knobs that control the custom atmosphere are very small on Windows Vista and Windows 7.
- Fixed an issue where the slider knobs could be quite narrow on Win 7 & Vista.
moving-man 2.03 (2011/9/16)
- Moved the expression evaluator dialog to the bottom right of the parent window. This gets it out of the way of other readouts and controls, and prevents a scenario that crashes the sim, resolves #2670
- Fixed: the play button in the expression evaluator only shows sometimes, resolves #2892
- Added credits, resolves #2719
gravity-and-orbits 2.04 (2011/9/2)
- Improve the smoothness of orbits, see #3050
- Fixed: After crashing, an object's path doesn't disappear
- Fixed: After selecting "Reset All" sim starts with "Pause" rather than "Play" button, resolves #3032
motion-series 2.02 (2011/8/29)
- Changed "total force" to "sum of forces", see #3041
- Reverted all customizations
- Reverted to smaller vector arrow dimensions
- Restored gravity and normal force vectors
- Fixed crate image, crashes were happening when it was too far from the wall
build-a-molecule 1.01 (2011/8/19)
- Improved launching of 3D dialog
- Text changes: 1st tab renamed to "Make Molecules", and "Reset Kit" changed to "Refill Kit"
- calculus-grapher 2.08 (2011/8/10)
- resonance 1.01 (2011/8/2)
- resonance 1.00 (2011/7/20)
fourier 3.06 (2011/7/15)
- charts display wavelength and period values that correspond to the audible fundamental frequency (440 Hz)
- x-axis units are meters (m) instead of millimeters (mm) for space domains
- improved internationalization of x-axis labels and units
- hide disabled clock controls
sound 2.18 (2011/7/14)
- Removed the help button from the last tab since it was providing incorrect instructions, resolves #2685
- Internationalized the ruler, resolves #2684
- Improved graphics scaling for low resolution screens, see #2860
hydrogen-atom 1.11 (2011/7/13)
- added "Excite Atom" button for getting Schrodinger atom out of the (2,0,0) metastable state
wave-interference 1.10 (2011/7/6)
- added new translation credits features
- Removed extraneous "Options" menu, see #2971
- Fixed: view angle slider doesn't always snap to max or min on Mac OS X, see #2969
- Fixed: "reset all" does not remove walls that were added, see #540
travoltage 1.09 (2011/7/6)
- added new translation credits features
optical-quantum-control 1.04 (2011/7/6)
- added new translation credits features
- Improved graphics scaling on low resolution screens, see #2860
motion-series 2.01 (2011/7/6)
- added new translation credits features
ladybug-motion-2d 1.02 (2011/7/6)
- added new translation credits features
efield 1.04 (2011/7/6)
- added new translation credits features
plinko-probability 2.02 (2011/7/6)
- added new translation credits features
lunar-lander 2.04 (2011/7/6)
- fixed text fields so they don't drop accented characters. fixes #2949, improves on #2888
gravity-and-orbits 2.03 (2011/6/23)
- Fixed: "moon" text label is invisible when the background is switched to white, see #2948
calculus-grapher 2.07 (2011/6/22)
- New zoom control added.
gravity-and-orbits 2.02 (2011/6/15)
- Fixed for Mac OS X 10.4 crashes, see #2913
- 5/24/11 Refactored Gravity and Orbits to use TextButtonNode and bugfixes for HTMLImageButtonNode, see #2902
- Changed images for moon and space station
- build-a-molecule 1.00 (2011/6/13)
build-a-molecule 0.01 (2011/6/13)
- Publishing a snapshot. May be used for initial demonstration.
battery-resistor-circuit 1.04 (2011/6/12)
- added new translation credits features
circuit-construction-kit 3.20 (2011/6/12)
- 電路組裝套件(直流)
- Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC), Virtual Lab
- Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab
- 電路組裝套件(直流和 交流)
- added new translation credits features
gene-network 1.04 (2011/6/12)
- added new translation credits features
energy-skate-park 2.08 (2011/6/12)
- added new translation credits features
capacitor-lab 2.00 (2011/6/11)
- added "Multiple Capacitors" tab
- added new translation credits features
reactants-products-and-leftovers 1.03 (2011/6/6)
- added new translation credits features
blackbody-spectrum 2.02 (2011/6/6)
- added new translation credits features
charges-and-fields 2.04 (2011/6/5)
- added new translation credits features
calculus-grapher 2.04 (2011/6/5)
- added new translation credits features
stern-gerlach 2.02 (2011/6/5)
- added new translation credits features
geometric-optics 2.05 (2011/6/5)
- added new translation credits features
faradays-law 2.02 (2011/6/5)
- added new translation credits features
greenhouse 3.03 (2011/6/5)
- added new translation credits features
forces-1d 1.23 (2011/6/5)
- added new translation credits features
quantum-tunneling 1.12 (2011/6/5)
- added new translation credits features
mri 1.08 (2011/6/4)
- added new translation credits features
maze-game 1.07 (2011/6/4)
- added new translation credits features
- Fixed audio bug
fourier 3.05 (2011/6/4)
- added new translation credits features
discharge-lamps 1.12 (2011/6/4)
- added new translation credits features
color-vision 1.04 (2011/6/4)
- added new translation credits features
the-ramp 1.05 (2011/5/23)
- Internationalized force panel strings, and renamed from "Advanced >>"/"Hide <<" to "Forces >>"/"Forces <<", resolves #2855
moving-man 2.02 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
pendulum-lab 2.03 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
vector-addition 2.02 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
resistance-in-a-wire 2.02 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
my-solar-system 2.03 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
lunar-lander 2.03 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
equation-grapher 2.02 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
the-ramp 1.04 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
- Set initial frame size to be 1024x768 instead of MAX_EXTENT
- force-graphs: Objects are in pull-down menu in control panel instead of the play area
- force-graphs: Removed force control from play area
- Fixed: Vectors should be in the topmost layer (over the applied force slider)
- Centered the object selection panel
- Fixed: Object falls off edge at wrong spot
reactions-and-rates 1.06 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
soluble-salts 1.07 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
signal-circuit 1.05 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
rotation 1.10 (2011/5/21)
- added new translation credits features
projectile-motion 2.03 (2011/5/20)
- added new translation credits features
curve-fitting 2.02 (2011/5/20)
- added new translation credits features
motion-2d 1.07 (2011/5/20)
- added new translation credits features
- lasers 4.08 (2011/5/20)
lasers 4.08 (2011/5/20)
- added new translation credits features
- fix Lifetime sliders on Mac
microwaves 1.05 (2011/5/20)
- added new translation credits features
- minor bug fixes
build-an-atom 3.00 (2011/5/13)
- Initial publication of the Isotopes and Atomic Mass simulation.
faraday 2.06 (2011/5/11)
- added new translation credits features
- if clock controls are irrelevant, hide them instead of disabling them
sound 2.17 (2011/5/10)
- added new translation credits features
semiconductor 1.06 (2011/5/10)
- added new translation credits features
- Fixed an issue where locales that used commas in numbers were not able to get current to flow.
radio-waves 1.09 (2011/5/10)
- added new translation credits features
quantum-wave-interference 1.11 (2011/5/9)
- added new translation credits features
hydrogen-atom 1.10 (2011/5/9)
- added new translation credits features
- highlight wavelength slider knob whenever it's on an absorption wavelength
electric-hockey 1.09 (2011/5/9)
- added new translation credits features
conductivity 1.05 (2011/5/9)
- added new translation credits features
battery-voltage 1.04 (2011/5/9)
- added new translation credits features
molecules-and-light 1.01 (2011/5/9)
- added new translation credits features
acid-base-solutions 1.02 (2011/5/9)
- added new translation credits features
- bending-light 1.00 (2011/5/9)
arithmetic 2.03 (2011/5/8)
- added new translation credits features
friction 2.03 (2011/5/8)
- added new translation credits features
estimation 2.02 (2011/5/8)
- added new translation credits features
balloons 1.16 (2011/4/26)
- Removed megahelp
ohms-law 2.03 (2011/4/26)
- added new translation credits features
- Added new translation credits features.
wave-on-a-string 2.03 (2011/4/26)
- added new translation credits features
- wave-on-a-string 2.02 (2011/4/26)
balloons 1.15 (2011/4/26)
- added new translation credits features
- changed images in the sim
ohms-law 2.02 (2011/4/26)
- Added new translation credits features.
nuclear-physics 3.24 (2011/4/25)
- Added new translation credits features, updated artwork, fixed an issue with drag handles in Alpha Decay sim, and fixed layout issues with some translations.
states-of-matter 1.08 (2011/4/25)
- Added new translation credits features and fixed layout issues with some translations.
photoelectric 1.09 (2011/4/25)
- added new translation credits features
rutherford-scattering 1.04 (2011/4/25)
- added new translation credits features
ph-scale 1.03 (2011/4/25)
- added new translation credits features
ideal-gas 3.14 (2011/4/25)
- added new translation credits features
bound-states 1.08 (2011/4/25)
- added new translation credits features
gravity-and-orbits 2.01 (2011/4/20)
- Fixed: the "reset" button should restart the clock at 0
- Increased precision of the numerical integration because "to scale" Sun/Earth/Moon orbit is unstable (growing)
gravity-and-orbits 2.00 (2011/4/19)
- Changed clock time reset button from "Reset" to "Clear"
- Made the 1 grid spacing the earth-satellite distance in Earth/Satellite mode
- Fixed gravity force arrow scale so that default scaling is 1/2 a grid cell
- Hid the velocity vector for fixed bodies such as the sun in cartoon mode
- Renamed "sun" to "star"
- Hold the position of the sun fixed
- Made it so that vector arrowheads shrink as the vector shrinks
- Tuned cartoon initial conditions so that there are 12 cartoon lunar orbits in one cartoon earth orbit
- 3/21/2011 Added improved measuring tape image and converted gravity-and-orbits to use it, see #2785
- Fixed: return object should account for the camera zoom
- Fixed: make the cartoon Earth/Moon force vector a bit smaller (1/2 grid cell)
- Brightened measuring tape color to make it easier to see
- Paused the sim after "return object" is pressed
- Changed the force scales in "cartoon" mode so that the initial force vector takes up 1/2 a grid cell
- Removed "Mass" checkbox from the Cartoon tab
- Fixed the gravity force scale for cartoon's first mode
- Renamed "intro" to "cartoon"
- Increased Earth mass in cartoon mode so the sun moves the same as it does in the second mode
- Start measuring tape in a less intuitive place, to see if that prompts students to move it
- Reworded "Restart" to "Reset"
- Only show the "return object" button if the object goes 12% outside of the bounds so the button doesn't flash on and off so often
- Fixed: Simulation crashes on startup on Mac 10.5 with Java 1.5, see #2771
- Restore the moon near the earth and with the same relative velocity vector
- Centered each mode in the center of momentum frame
- Fixed: force vectors are too large in "intro" in sun/earth/moon mode
- Added tabs for cartoon vs real
build-an-atom 2.03 (2011/4/15)
- Fixed an issue with extraction of electrons from the cloud representation.
nuclear-physics 3.23 (2011/4/7)
- Fixed an issue where some windows displayed incorrectly for right-to-left languages.
- Fixed an issue with displaying the photo of the real nuclear reactor in the Nuclear Fission simulation. Only right-to-left languages are affected.
- Changed the wording in the game from "Guess" to "Estimate".
- balancing-chemical-equations 1.00 (2011/4/6)
density-and-buoyancy 1.05 (2011/3/31)
- density: Removed 1 significant figure from lead and gold in the density table
- buoyancy: Changed the brick density from 1922 to 2000 so that the brick mass is exactly 10.0kg in the "same volume" mode
- buoyancy: Block labels ("A", "B") in the playground node are now behind force value readouts
- buoyancy: Removed fluid drag vector display
- Removed the 2L bottle
- buoyancy: Changed masses for the "Same Mass" and "Same Density" modes to round numbers.
- Fixed scale bug where it reported incorrect forces while being controlled by the user. This has a side-effect where the scale can be dragged into the ground, but will pop back into the scene when released.
mass-spring-lab 2.03 (2011/3/17)
- Set reference line to bottom of springs.
- build-an-atom 2.01 (2011/3/4)
membrane-channels 1.00 (2011/3/2)
- Initial deployment to production server.
greenhouse 3.02 (2011/3/2)
- New version containing several fixes, see the rest of the change log for details.
- Fixed tool tips on Photon Absorption tab, improved alignment of translated strings.
- molecules-and-light: Added a feature where the background can be changed to white. This is done to support the creation of activities that need to be photocopied in black & white.
- greenhouse: Fixed an issue where an incorrect image was shown for CH4 (Methane) on the control panel of the photon absorption tab, see #2712.
- greenhouse: Fixed an issue where the control of O2 slider on the Build Atmosphere control on the Photon Absorption tab was not working correctly.
build-an-atom 2.01 (2011/2/21)
- Fixed an issue in Build an Atom where the game could crash if running with the timer turned off.
molecules-and-light 1.00 (2011/2/9)
- Initial publication to production server.
- gravity-and-orbits 1.00 (2011/2/7)
discharge-lamps 1.11 (2011/1/27)
- localization fixes
ideal-gas 3.13 (2011/1/26)
- localization fixes
natural-selection 1.02 (2011/1/26)
- Fixed: Clicking on recessive radio button did not change dominance
gene-network 1.03 (2011/1/14)
- Fixed two strings that were not translatable.
acid-base-solutions 1.01 (2011/1/5)
- improve colorblind support by using new colors
greenhouse 3.02 (2011/1/5)
- Made thermometer graphic remain a fixed size, see #2647
- Fixed: thermometer fluid level depends on screen size but not thermometer size, see #2647
- Fixed: Photons were disappearing before traveling out of view on the Photon Absorption tab.
- Fixed a bug that prevented photons from reflecting from ice
- Fixed a bug that prevented clouds from absorbing photons
build-an-atom 2.00 (2010/12/22)
- Added the "Game" tab.
- Fixed: particle count legend can overlap electrons in the atom's outer shell
- Made the cloud representation of the electrons grow/shrink as a function of the number of electrons in the atom.
- Made the electron cloud one big one instead of two concentric ones sized like the orbitals.
- Changed name of "Mass" indicator to "Mass Number".
- Added checkboxes for "show name", "show stable/unstable", "show neutral/ion"
- Improved highlighting in periodic table
density-and-buoyancy 1.04 (2010/12/16)
- Fixed "reset all" when in "My Block" mode
density-and-buoyancy 1.03 (2010/12/16)
- Removed tick marks from the side of the pool
- Improved the block control panel
- Added ability to throw blocks
- capacitor-lab 1.00 (2010/12/7)
- collision-lab 0.01 (2010/10/21)
- collision-lab 1.00 (2010/10/21)
build-an-atom 1.00 (2010/10/21)
- Initial deployment to production server.
greenhouse 3.01 (2010/10/21)
- Fixed an issue where "Reset All" on the Photon Absorption tab wasn't resetting photon emission rate to zero.
greenhouse 3.00 (2010/10/21)
- New version that adds the "Photon Absorption" tab.
reactants-products-and-leftovers 1.02 (2010/10/21)
- move Game features and associated string translations to PhET common framework, for reuse in other sims
- motion-series 2.00 (2010/10/16)
density-and-buoyancy 1.02 (2010/10/12)
- Improved the colors of the density slider readouts
- Made 'styrofoam' translatable
neuron 1.00 (2010/10/12)
- Initial publication to the production server.
moving-man 2.01 (2010/9/28)
- Fixed a bug that caused the sim to crash when switching from record to playback.
- Fixed a bug that caused the acceleration to be off by a factor of 2 when controlling the position directly, see #2494
- Improved layout for charts, make sure all vertical space is efficiently used
reactants-products-and-leftovers 1.01 (2010/9/27)
- make Game Settings panel translatable
density-and-buoyancy 1.01 (2010/9/20)
- Limited the wood mass and volume so that the pool can't be overflowed
- Fixed: Reset all broken for block texture and combo box
- Fixed: Slider thumbs don't fade out when the value is below the slider minimum
- Changed show/hide table button color
- Hides material table when the user switches away from the mystery mode
- Fixed bug where My Object would turn to Aluminum
- Disabled directly changing the density of the custom object
- Moved the "Show Table" button
- Tweaked the appearance of the custom object properties box
- Removed the word "balloon" from the table of material densities in "mystery objects" mode
- Changed densities of blocks in "objects of same mass" mode to include volumes with decimal places
- Fixed the mass of blocks in the "objects of same density" mode so that calculations with 2 decimal points come up exactly equal
- Changed the mass of blocks in the "objects of same volume" mode so that some objects sink and some float
faraday 2.05 (2010/9/20)
- calibrated Field view so that the drop-off is more apparent
- fixed compass behavior when close to DC electromagnet
- density-and-buoyancy 1.00 (2010/9/12)
- acid-base-solutions 1.00 (2010/9/10)
faraday 2.04 (2010/8/30)
- improved compass behavior for DC electromagnet
- new model for bar magnet, more physically accurate
- improved collision detection for compass
calculus-grapher 2.03 (2010/7/30)
- Fixes for the "Drag Me" arrow when derivative or integral lines are added or removed
- Improved internationalization
moving-man 2.00 (2010/7/15)
- Added a new introductory tab
- Improved record and playback controls
- Improved charts and zooming
- Improved smoothing of data samples
- Many bugfixes and new features
circuit-construction-kit 3.19 (2010/6/28)
- 電路組裝套件(直流)
- Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC), Virtual Lab
- Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab
- 電路組裝套件(直流和 交流)
- Component values are accepted after typing in the component editor and clicking elsewhere, instead of requiring the user to press "OK" first
- Fixed: sometimes dotted circle junctions are left behind, see #1826
- Prevent electrons from bunching up in pairs, see #1828
- Improved quantitative accuracy of the physics engine for circuits with capacitors and inductors
- Removed show equations feature, see #1913
- Added "virtual lab" simulations
sound 2.16 (2010/6/4)
- 6/5/10 Improved the frequency control
gene-network 1.02 (2010/6/3)
- New production version containing fixes for two recently identified issues.
- 5/24/10 Fixed an issue where exceptions where thrown when the user clicked an empty element in the tool box.
- 5/24/10 Fixed an issue where the lactose injector was not well positioned on Macs due to font size differences.
- Fixed an issue where injector was not sized properly on Mac.
- sound 2.15 (2010/5/31)
sound 2.14 (2010/5/30)
- 5/28/2010 Removed audio type control panel from two source interference control panel, resolves #2378
- 5/25/2010 Added a "Clear Waves" button to the control panel in the Measure tab, see #2374
forces-1d 1.22 (2010/5/21)
- 5/14/2010 Removed the duplicate help button, see #2342
- 5/14/2010 Made the sim start up at the standard screen size 1024x768, see #2341
- 5/11/2010 Internationalized initial position slider, see #2284
- wave-interference 1.09 (2010/5/17)
wave-interference 1.09 (2010/5/17)
- Removed developer controls from the Sound tab's control panel, resolves #2351
- Standardized window size on startup to be 1024x768, see #2102
- gene-network 1.01 (2010/5/7)
gene-network 1.00 (2010/5/7)
- Initial publication of this simulation.
electric-hockey 1.08 (2010/5/5)
- 4/11/2010 Prevented some control panel items from disappearing, see #2050
- 3/25/2010 Prevented goals from being scored from the back or sides of the net.
- 3/22/2010 Resolved a problem that caused the goal to sometimes be incorrectly detected as a barrier, see #2049
bound-states 1.07 (2010/4/28)
- restore the time value display
- blackbody-spectrum 2.01 (2010/4/1)
- reactants-products-and-leftovers 1.00 (2010/3/18)
nuclear-physics 3.22 (2010/2/16)
- Fixed an issue where U-238 was shown decaying into Pb-207 instead of Pb-206.
ideal-gas 3.12 (2010/2/5)
- fix Energy histogram
energy-skate-park 2.07 (2010/1/28)
- Removed the "Bounciness" and "Stickiness" controls for the skater, see 2129.
- Added back the "Tracks" menu (by popular demand).
nuclear-physics 3.21 (2010/1/22)
- Alpha Decay & Radioactive Dating Game: Resolved issues where graphs could get into odd states.
- Radioactive Dating Game: Fixed an issue where odd lines could appear on the Decay Rates graph.
- Reduced the size of the jar file by about 10% by removing unused images.
- Alpha Decay: Fixed an issue where the pie could disappear from the decay chart.
rotation 1.09 (2010/1/14)
- Added control for angle units (i.e. degrees or radians) to tabs 3 and 4.
- Fixed a bug that caused errors after clearing the data, then playing back a recording
- Fixed a bug that prevented the rotation platform from being dragged after setting an angular velocity.
- Changed range of angular momentum chart from (-20,20) to (-10,10) to match angular velocity ranges.
- Increased range of angular momentum chart to make default motion visible within the chart bounds.
- Added units of kg m^2 / s for angular momentum
- Restored the angle slider on the Rotation introduction panel, was inadvertently dropped
- Changed the length scale of all objects from millimeters to meters, increasing the size of several objects (including the platform and ladybugs)
- Changed the label of chart series from "Series" to "Forces" and "Torques", respectively,
- Added a label and editable text box for applying torque in the moment of inertia tab
- Determine when the object slips off the platform as a function of the radius and velocity.
- rotation: Fixed the units on the acceleration and velocity charts to be in terms of mm instead of m.
- torque: Added a vertical slider for setting the torque in the moment-of-inertia tab.
- states-of-matter 1.07 (2010/1/11)
- wave-interference 1.08 (2010/1/11)
- travoltage 1.08 (2010/1/11)
- sound 2.13 (2010/1/11)
- soluble-salts 1.06 (2010/1/11)
- signal-circuit 1.04 (2010/1/11)
- semiconductor 1.05 (2010/1/11)
- self-driven-particle-model 1.03 (2010/1/11)
- rutherford-scattering 1.03 (2010/1/11)
- reactions-and-rates 1.05 (2010/1/11)
- radio-waves 1.08 (2010/1/11)
- quantum-wave-interference 1.10 (2010/1/11)
- quantum-tunneling 1.11 (2010/1/11)
- photoelectric 1.08 (2010/1/11)
- ph-scale 1.02 (2010/1/11)
- optical-tweezers 2.03 (2010/1/11)
- optical-quantum-control 1.03 (2010/1/11)
- nuclear-physics 3.21 (2010/1/10)
- natural-selection 1.01 (2010/1/10)
- mri 1.07 (2010/1/10)
- motion-2d 1.06 (2010/1/10)
- microwaves 1.04 (2010/1/10)
- maze-game 1.06 (2010/1/10)
- lasers 4.07 (2010/1/10)
- ladybug-motion-2d 1.01 (2010/1/10)
- ideal-gas 3.11 (2010/1/10)
- hydrogen-atom 1.09 (2010/1/9)
greenhouse 2.07 (2010/1/9)
- Fixed an issue where the temperature was changing when the sim speed was altered.
- glaciers 2.03 (2010/1/9)
- fourier 3.04 (2010/1/9)
- forces-1d 1.21 (2010/1/9)
- force-law-lab 1.01 (2010/1/9)
- faraday 2.03 (2010/1/9)
energy-skate-park 2.06 (2010/1/9)
- Performance improvements
- Made the window come up at the default size of 1024x768 and centered, see #2071
- Removed the phet logo from the control panel so that vertical scroll bars are not visible by default
- Added Joules and meters on the Energy vs. Position graph
- Improvements for internationalization
- electric-hockey 1.07 (2010/1/9)
- efield 1.03 (2010/1/9)
- eating-and-exercise 1.03 (2010/1/9)
- discharge-lamps 1.10 (2010/1/9)
- conductivity 1.04 (2010/1/8)
- color-vision 1.03 (2010/1/8)
circuit-construction-kit 3.18 (2010/1/8)
- 電路組裝套件(直流)
- Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC), Virtual Lab
- Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab
- 電路組裝套件(直流和 交流)
- Fixed a bug that made the circuit run very quickly while dragging voltage or resistance sliders, see #2040
- Improved layout in control panel to remove scroll bars in AC version.
- Fixed stopwatch to correspond to sim time (was off by 100x or so), see #359
- Fixed: advanced wire resistivity slider starts at incorrect slider position, resolves #1842
- Made it so the switch graphic is shown as closed when loading a closed switch, resolves #384
- Fixed time scale for e-e repulsion to match scale as in 3.17.00, resolves #1828
- Added a workaround to help improve behavior for situations such as a battery connected directly to a capacitor, see #1813
- Made it possible to change the background color using the menu options
- Make default frame size 1024x768
- Rewrote voltage calculation to use node voltages
- Fixed a bug that prevented components (e.g. batteries) from being updated while machine locale and selected locale differ in decimal character, see #1700
- bound-states 1.06 (2010/1/8)
- battery-voltage 1.03 (2010/1/8)
- battery-resistor-circuit 1.03 (2010/1/8)
- balloons 1.14 (2010/1/8)
- rotation 1.08 (2010/1/8)
- natural-selection 1.00 (2009/12/28)
wave-on-a-string 2.01 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
vector-addition 2.01 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
stern-gerlach 2.01 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
resistance-in-a-wire 2.01 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
projectile-motion 2.02 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
- Keyboard accessibility, changed cross colors for colorblindness, and "user choice" now can score.
plinko-probability 2.01 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
pendulum-lab 2.02 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
ohms-law 2.01 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
my-solar-system 2.02 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
mass-spring-lab 2.02 (2009/12/11)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
lunar-lander 2.02 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
geometric-optics 2.04 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
friction 2.02 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
faradays-law 2.01 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
estimation 2.01 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
equation-grapher 2.01 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
curve-fitting 2.01 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
charges-and-fields 2.03 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
blackbody-spectrum 2.01 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
arithmetic 2.02 (2009/12/10)
- Common interface fixes, improvements, and Khmer support.
nuclear-physics 3.20 (2009/12/8)
- Radioactive Dating Game: Fixed an issue where the graph on the 2nd tab would run with no nuclei added.
nuclear-physics 3.19 (2009/12/7)
- Radioactive Dating Game: Improved probe appearance and some graph labels based on user feedback.
- Radioactive Dating Game: Changed probe appearance, changed some graph labels based on user feedback.
- pendulum-lab 2.01 (2009/11/29)
mass-spring-lab 2.01 (2009/11/29)
- Multiple Internationalization fixes
arithmetic 2.01 (2009/11/28)
- Many internationalization fixes
my-solar-system 2.01 (2009/11/16)
- Added Khmer language support
lunar-lander 2.01 (2009/11/16)
- Added Khmer language support
- friction 2.01 (2009/11/16)
glaciers 2.02 (2009/10/30)
- show snow patch between terminus and ELA
- make ice thickness tool "snap" to surface only between headwall and terminus, otherwise show "?"
- fewer decimal places (1) for climate controls and glacial budget meter
eating-and-exercise 1.02 (2009/10/29)
- Changed "male gender" to "sex" in the disclaimer text.
ladybug-motion-2d 1.00 (2009/10/1)
- Updated version to 1.00
- nuclear-physics 3.18 (2009/9/23)
- nuclear-physics 3.17 (2009/9/23)
- force-law-lab 1.00 (2009/9/18)
- force-law-lab 1.00 (2009/9/18)
- nuclear-physics 3.16 (2009/9/15)
- nuclear-physics 3.15 (2009/9/15)
- nuclear-physics 3.14 (2009/9/15)
- states-of-matter 1.06 (2009/8/21)
- states-of-matter 1.05 (2009/8/21)
reactions-and-rates 1.04 (2009/8/13)
- many minor bug fixes
- improve the behavior of all spinner controls
- added a "Clear container" button to the "Many Collisions" tab
motion-2d 1.05 (2009/7/18)
- Added new sim description
- geometric-optics 2.03 (2009/6/9)
- geometric-optics 2.02 (2009/6/9)
- geometric-optics 2.01 (2009/6/9)
nuclear-physics 3.13 (2009/6/8)
- Resolved an issue where the isotope number for Lead 207 was incorrect in two places.
- nuclear-physics 3.12 (2009/5/29)
balloons 1.13 (2009/4/30)
- Fixed a bug that caused balloons to be blocked by the wall when the wall is disabled.
- maze-game 1.05 (2009/4/21)
- states-of-matter 1.04 (2009/4/21)
- nuclear-physics 3.11 (2009/4/21)
optical-quantum-control 1.02 (2009/4/21)
- improve fonts
- estimation 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- blackbody-spectrum 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- faradays-law 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- mass-spring-lab 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- ph-scale 1.01 (2009/4/21)
- ohms-law 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- friction 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- arithmetic 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- quantum-wave-interference 1.09 (2009/4/21)
- radio-waves 1.07 (2009/4/21)
- semiconductor 1.04 (2009/4/21)
- lasers 4.06 (2009/4/21)
- motion-2d 1.04 (2009/4/21)
- curve-fitting 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- projectile-motion 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- signal-circuit 1.03 (2009/4/21)
- equation-grapher 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- plinko-probability 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- resistance-in-a-wire 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- vector-addition 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- pendulum-lab 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- mri 1.06 (2009/4/21)
quantum-tunneling 1.10 (2009/4/21)
- improve fonts
- geometric-optics 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- stern-gerlach 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- lunar-lander 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- ladybug-motion-2d 0.02 (2009/4/21)
- travoltage 1.07 (2009/4/21)
rotation 1.07 (2009/4/21)
- improvements for layout in torque modules
- Moved the platform to the right so it's not obscured by the control panel, see #1092
- improve behavior on screen size increase, share extra space equally between graphs and play area, see #1092
- converted checkboxes to multiline and removed extra padding to get clear button to fit on the screen at 1024x768, see #1092
- fix layout for torque simulation, remove unused PhetApplicationConfig subclasses, cleanup, see #1092
- improve layout for 1024x768 resoultion, see #1092
wave-interference 1.07 (2009/4/21)
- Determined time units and scaling factors to make sure sound and light have approximately the right speeds, at least for the default wavelength and frequency, see #1479
optical-tweezers 2.02 (2009/4/21)
- improve fonts
states-of-matter 1.03 (2009/4/21)
- Added support for heterogeneous molecules and oxygen bonding.
- Set initial temperature of adjustable molecules to be warmer, fixed issue where close button overlapped diagram.
- reactions-and-rates 1.03 (2009/4/21)
- self-driven-particle-model 1.02 (2009/4/21)
- wave-on-a-string 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- soluble-salts 1.05 (2009/4/21)
- motion-series 1.03 (2009/4/21)
- natural-selection 0.01 (2009/4/21)
- maze-game 1.04 (2009/4/21)
- microwaves 1.03 (2009/4/21)
rutherford-scattering 1.02 (2009/4/21)
- improve fonts
- photoelectric 1.07 (2009/4/21)
- sound 2.12 (2009/4/21)
- the-ramp 1.03 (2009/4/21)
- nuclear-physics 3.10 (2009/4/21)
- my-solar-system 2.00 (2009/4/21)
- ladybug-motion-2d 0.01 (2009/4/21)
- ideal-gas 3.10 (2009/4/21)
- hydrogen-atom 1.08 (2009/4/20)
fourier 3.03 (2009/4/20)
- use fancier tabs to switch panels
greenhouse 2.06 (2009/4/20)
- Added a slider that allows the user to control the speed of the photons.
- faraday 2.02 (2009/4/20)
forces-1d 1.20 (2009/4/20)
- Fixed: The check boxes are mismatched - F_applied box turns on friction graph, and F_friction box turns on applied graph.
- glaciers 2.01 (2009/4/20)
- electric-hockey 1.06 (2009/4/20)
energy-skate-park 2.05 (2009/4/20)
- >This is true at default zoom.
- >Probably what we want here is if the incident angle is less than greater than 45 degrees, it should be a hard landing (normal velocity converted to thermal) , otherwise "frictionless landing".
ideal-gas 3.09 (2009/4/20)
- remove extraneous image resize, see #1375
- Removed unnecessary help items from reversible reactions sim
- battery-resistor-circuit 1.02 (2009/4/20)
circuit-construction-kit 3.17 (2009/4/20)
- 電路組裝套件(直流)
- Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC), Virtual Lab
- Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab
- 電路組裝套件(直流和 交流)
- Removed numbers and units from chart time axis, see #1333
- >We can no longer have simulation time dynamic because it destroys smoothness of the plots; converted to static.
- battery-voltage 1.02 (2009/4/20)
- bound-states 1.05 (2009/4/20)
- balloons 1.12 (2009/4/20)
- conductivity 1.03 (2009/4/20)
color-vision 1.02 (2009/4/20)
- use fancier tabs for switching panels
- efield 1.02 (2009/4/20)
- force-law-lab 0.01 (2009/4/20)
- electric-hockey 1.05 (2009/4/20)
- discharge-lamps 1.09 (2009/4/20)
eating-and-exercise 1.01 (2009/4/20)
- When dragging an item to the bar chart, it will move to a random position on the plate (or exercise log)
- Converted control panel background to green
- Made control panel fonts bold
- The play/pause/step buttons are be disabled when you reach the 2 year mark, re-enabled on chart area clear or sim reset
- Horizontal zoom allows you to zoom in from 2 years, and out to a maximum of 2 years.
- Changed bar chart zoom buttons to look like graph zoom buttons
- Fixed: Reset all does not reset the calorie axis for the bar charts.
- Fixed: When calories drop back down, the zoom buttons go away but the axis does not rescale, so you can end up with a rescaled axis that you can not get back to the standard view (unless you add lots of calories to make the zoom buttons return).
- Fixed: Can't edit values for height when in metric
- Fixed: Red arrow appears on weight slider after changing units
- charges-and-fields 2.02 (2009/4/13)
- sound 2.11 (2009/4/13)
- balloons 1.11 (2009/4/13)
- balloons 1.10 (2009/4/6)
- sound 2.10 (2009/4/6)
- charges-and-fields 2.01 (2009/4/2)
- balloons 1.09 (2009/4/2)
- charges-and-fields 2.00 (2009/4/1)
- balloons 1.08 (2009/4/1)
- nuclear-physics 3.09 (2009/2/20)
- states-of-matter 1.02 (2009/2/20)
- states-of-matter 1.01 (2009/2/20)
- nuclear-physics 3.08 (2009/2/20)
nuclear-physics 3.07 (2009/2/19)
- Fixed an issue that would cause downloaded JAR files to prompt user for flavor of sim to execute.
nuclear-physics 3.06 (2009/2/13)
- Fixed an issue where the alpha particles would sometimes appear to be leaving the nucleus when in fact they weren't
- Changed tunneling diameter for alpha particles so that it won't look like they were flying away when they're not.
- Added a pie chart to depict proportion of decayed nuclei, changed half life marker position for custom nucleus, changed label colors.
- Fixed issue where the bucket label was not correct when the custom nucleus was selected.
greenhouse 2.05 (2009/1/28)
- Removed fly-in capability, fixed problems with excessive memory usage, fixed some other minor UI issues.
- Fixed the problem with the black bar at the bottom of the screen and with the backgound not being resized correctly on 2nd panel.
- Removed the "Beam me down Scotty" functionality
- states-of-matter 1.00 (2009/1/27)
- states-of-matter 0.05 (2009/1/23)
nuclear-physics 3.05 (2009/1/22)
- Added exponential time display, changed behavior of well drop.
- Revised the behavior of the reset button on the 2nd tab based on feedback from users.
- Added "Reset Nuclei" functionality to 2nd tab, fixed a number of bugs with containment vessel.
- Fixed a number of bugs with Reset All on the 2nd tab.
- Made the lines and cirlce that depict the tunneling radius on the 2nd tab change with the energy levels.
- Made the reset buttons on the 1st and 3rd tabs be hidden until they are actually usable. This should help users to see them and to understand what they do.
- Changed the way in which the neutrons are injected into the nuclear reactor on the 3rd tab. It is now initiated from a labeled button on the top of the reactor.
- Made the graphs on the Nuclear Reactor tab always visible.
- Replaced the "Fire!" button on the ray gun with a simple, unabled red button.
- Incorporated a new version of the ray gun image and made the "Fire!" button on the ray gun translatable.
- Split into two simulations, one for Nuclear Fission and one for Alpha Decay
glaciers 2.00 (2009/1/12)
- fix for glacier that retreat too quickly near the headwall
- fix for zero-length glacier that advances too slowly near the headwall
- fix for flags and debris on glacier surface that stop advancing when glacier is retreating
- borehole drill can be dragged by the fire button
- changed default snowfall to 0.93m (was 0.95m)
- glacial budget meter is easier to use
- replaced "Show glacier picture" check box with "Show glacier picture" button
- added ability to switch between English and metric units
- added File>Save and File>Load menu items
- added "Equilibrium Line Altitude vs Time" graph
- show both ablation and negative ablabtion on "Glacial Budget vs Elevation" chart
- added "Glaciers Length vs Time" graph
- rotation 1.06 (2008/12/19)
wave-interference 1.06 (2008/11/5)
- Waves are now in phase after using a single pulse