
Makes grants to address the most serious social and environmental problems facing society, where risk capital, responsibly invested, may make a difference over time.
An independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 to promote the progress of science.

King Saud University seeks to become a leader in educational and technological innovation, scientific discovery and creativity through fostering an atmosphere of intellectual inspiration and partnership for the prosperity of society.
The O'Donnell Foundation is devoted to building model programs to enhance the quality of education.
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隨著電荷的移動,來自點電荷的電場線也隨著時間改變。當您扭動電荷,可以觀察到輻射以光速向外傳播。也可以停止移動電荷來觀察制動輻射 (bremsstrahlung) 。探索輻射在不同移動方式下所呈現的樣子,例如將電荷以直線、繞圈圈、正弦曲線等方式移動。您可以隨您喜歡的方式移動電荷,只要不超過光速。 翻譯者: 楊杰儒 (2013) |
- Electromagnetic Radiation
- Dipole Radiation
- 電場
- Speed of Light
- How the radial field line density depends on the speed of a charge in linear motion (compression of field lines).
- How the anisotropy of the field pattern depends on sinusoidal vs. circular motion.
- How the applied force and motion are related in relativistic dynamics (constant force does not result in faster-than-light travel).
- How acceleration produces transverse fields, while constant velocity produces radial fields.
- For sinusoidal motion, which produces dipole radiation, the field lines evolve from radial and static-like nearby, to transverse and plane-wave-like far away.
- How sudden deceleration of a charge produces bremsstrahlung (braking) radiation.
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