
Makes grants to address the most serious social and environmental problems facing society, where risk capital, responsibly invested, may make a difference over time.
An independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 to promote the progress of science.

King Saud University seeks to become a leader in educational and technological innovation, scientific discovery and creativity through fostering an atmosphere of intellectual inspiration and partnership for the prosperity of society.
The O'Donnell Foundation is devoted to building model programs to enhance the quality of education.
shqipe 阿爾巴尼亞文
Tretësirat acido-bazike | Acid-Base Solutions 酸鹼溶液 | 開 始 |
Zbërthimi alfa | Alpha 衰變 | 開 始 |
Ndërveprime Atomike | 原子相互作用 | 開 始 |
Balona dhe Pluskues | 氣球和浮力 | 開 始 |
Struktura e bandës | 能帶結構 | 開 始 |
Beta Decay | Beta 衰變 | 開 始 |
Gjendjet kuantike të kufizuara | 量子束縛態 | 開 始 |
Ndërtimi i një atomi | Build An Atom 建立一個原子 | 開 始 |
Mjetet Per Ndertimin e Qarqeve (AC+DC) | 電路組裝套件(直流和 交流) | 開 始 |
Mjetet Per Ndertimin e Qarqeve (AC+DC) te Laboratorit Virtual | Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC), Virtual Lab | 開 始 |
Mjetet Per Ndertimin e Qarqeve (Vetem DC) | 電路組裝套件(直流) | 開 始 |
Mjetet Per Ndertimin e Qarqeve (Vetem DC) te Laboratorit Virtual | Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab | 開 始 |
Gropat dyfishe dhe lidhjet kovalente | 雙位能井與共價鍵 | 開 始 |
Përshtatja e Lakores | Curve Fitting 曲線配適 | 開 始 |
grafiku i ekuacionit | Equation Grapher 方程式繪圖 | 開 始 |
Eksperimenti Virtual i Efektit Elektromagnetik të Faraday-t | 法拉第的電磁實驗室 | 開 始 |
Shtypja e lëngjeve dhe rrjedhja e tyre | 液體的流動與壓力 | 開 始 |
Vetitë e gazit | Gas Properties 氣體特性 | 開 始 |
Gjenerator | 發電機 | 開 始 |
geometric-optics | Geometic Optics 幾何光學 | 開 始 |
Graviteti dhe Orbitat | Gravity and Orbits 重力與軌道 | 開 始 |
Efekti serrë | The Greenhouse Effect 溫室效應 | 開 始 |
Isotopes and Atomic Mass | Isotopes and Atomic Mass 同位素與原子量 | 開 始 |
Magneti dhe Busulla | 磁鐵和指南針 | 開 始 |
Magnete dhe Elektromagnete | 磁鐵和電磁鐵 | 開 始 |
Ndarja e bërthamës | 原子分裂 | 開 始 |
Efekti Fotoelektrik | Photoelectric Effect 光電效應 | 開 始 |
Shkallë e pH | pH Scale: pH 刻度 | 開 始 |
Radioactive Dating Game | Radioactive Dating Game 放射線定年遊戲 | 開 始 |
Reaksion i kthyeshëm | Reversible Reactions 可逆反應 | 開 始 |
Kripëra dhe tretshmëria | Salts & Solubility 鹽類和溶解度 | 開 始 |
Gjendjet Agregate të Lëndës | States of Matter 物質的狀態 | 開 始 |
States of Matter: Basics | States of Matter: Basics 物質的狀態:基礎的 | 開 始 |
Nën shtypje | 壓力之下(Under Pressure) | 開 始 |
Interferenca Valëve | Wave Interference 水波干涉 | 開 始 |
Vala në një Sustë | 繩波 | 開 始 |
教學尚未被譯為 阿爾巴尼亞文
- Arithmetic
- Balancing Act
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Balloons and Static Electricity
- Battery-Resistor Circuit
- Battery Voltage
- Beer's Law Lab
- Bending Light
- Blackbody Spectrum
- Build a Fraction
- Build a Molecule
- Buoyancy
- Calculus Grapher
- Capacitor Lab
- Charges and Fields
- Collision Lab
- Color Vision
- Concentration
- Conductivity
- Davisson-Germer: Electron Diffraction
- Density
- Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps
- Eating & Exercise
- Electric Field of Dreams
- Electric Field Hockey
- Energy Forms and Changes
- Energy Skate Park
- Energy Skate Park: Basics
- Estimation
- Faraday's Law
- Forces in 1 Dimension
- Forces and Motion
- Forces and Motion: Basics
- Fourier: Making Waves
- Fraction Matcher
- Fractions Intro
- Friction
- Gene Expression - The Basics
- Gene Machine: The Lac Operon
- Glaciers
- Graphing Lines
- Gravity Force Lab
- Models of the Hydrogen Atom
- Ladybug Motion 2D
- Lasers
- Lunar Lander
- Masses & Springs
- Maze Game
- Membrane Channels
- Microwaves
- Molarity
- Molecular Motors
- Molecule Polarity
- Molecules and Light
- Molecule Shapes
- Molecule Shapes: Basics
- Motion in 2D
- The Moving Man
- Simplified MRI
- My Solar System
- Natural Selection
- Neuron
- Normal Modes
- Ohm's Law
- Optical Quantum Control
- Optical Tweezers and Applications
- Pendulum Lab
- Plate Tectonics
- Plinko Probability
- Projectile Motion
- Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets
- Quantum Wave Interference
- Radiating Charge
- Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields
- Ramp: Forces and Motion
- Reactants, Products and Leftovers
- Reactions & Rates
- Resistance in a Wire
- Resonance
- Ladybug Revolution
- Rutherford Scattering
- Self-Driven Particle Model
- Semiconductors
- Signal Circuit
- Sound
- Stern-Gerlach Experiment
- Stretching DNA
- Sugar and Salt Solutions
- The Ramp
- Torque
- John Travoltage
- Vector Addition
利用 PhET 翻譯界面可翻譯模擬教學